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Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu Plant, Thick stalks that are so deep purple in color they almost appear black contradict the eruption of new canes that are light green covered with a fine white powdery exterior. Sugarcane has been traded and sold around the globe for thousands of years and finally now available for you, the gardener to grow and enjoy for seasons to come. Simply plant in ground or even better in 18 to 24 inch planters so you can enjoy sugarcane on your patio or indoors year round. These are very healthy plants with well established root systems.
The growth rate and yield of Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu will vary greatly depending on soil type, sunlight, temperature and other factors. Lower leaves are trimmed and plants are topped to 36″ overall prior to shipping to reduce transpiration and travel stress.
Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu are very easy to grow plants that require little care. They add a tasty accent to any outdoor space, garden or patio. In very cold zones a containerized plant can be brought inside for the winter months. In the northern end of their grow zone Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu plants should be brought indoors or protected with mulch during the winter months.
When you receive your new Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu plant, there is no need to worry about planting right away. Your new plant can be stored for a while by simply placing it in a bucket with about a half inch of water in the bottom and moving it to a shady location. You can then add some mulch to the bucket to keep your plant standing upright. The mulch will also supply nutrients while in storage. This will give you plenty of time to select the ideal location for your new plant.
Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu grow very well in patio containers. Allow enough room for growth generally a 18″ to a 24″ diameter, 10″ deep container will suffice. Remember the looser the roots, the taller and healthier your plant will be. When the plant becomes root bound its growth will slow. At that point it is time for a larger pot.
Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu enjoys well drained but moist, rich organic mix. Remember try to stay away from wet, mucky or dry, sandy soils.
To help establish your new Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu Plant, fertilize sparingly at least 6 inches away from the base, monthly with a slow time release fertilizer. Unfertilized they will tend to grow very slowly. Note: The heavy salts in cheaper fertilizers will damage the roots and possibly kill the plant.
Best outdoors if grown in zone 9-11, find your zone here. This plant requires 80-100% sunlight. Depending on your location full sun is best. At the northern end of their grow zone Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu plants should be brought indoors or protected during the winter months. The patio zone is 4a-9b which means the potted plant will flourish over the summer months in colder zones but must be brought inside before harsh winter temps.
Here at the nursery, these Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu are grown under 20-40% shade cloth. If you plant directly in full sun you may experience leaf burn. It is best to acclimate This plant to its environment by keeping it outside and slowly moving it into a sunny area over a week or two to avoid stress before planting.
All Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu plants for sale will vary in size. In the spring, plants are often smaller than plants shipped in the fall. Plants designated with a sku ending in -4, or -6 will arrive in a standard 4 inch or 6 inch growers pot respectively. Our new, reusable, recyclable deep cells are 5 to 7 inches deep and 1 to 2.5 inches in diameter. Plants growing in these cells are easy to transplant and allow for deeper, faster growth and are designated with a -5, or -7. (Note: The item sku number can be found just below the buy button.) The color and style of these pots may vary. If we are out of a particular size item, we may ship a larger size at no additional charge.
Note: Before leaving, Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahus are inspected, watered, pruned and topped to 36″ if necessary, to facilitate shipping. Your new Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahus’ pot is then bagged to ensure that the soil stays in the pot and not loose in the box. Then your plant is tissue or kraft paper wrapped and secured in place with natural biodegradable peanuts. You will be pleased.
You may want to buy Hawaiian Sugarcane Nanahu online now while they are in stock.